Thank you, Winnipeg!
Our Fall 2024 ReLeaf sale was a huge success, sign up for our newsletter to receive information on our Spring date.
What is ReLeaf?
Trees Winnipeg offers high-quality tree packages that are carefully chosen by our arborists to thrive in Winnipeg.
Each package includes high quality trees, tree guards, and proper tree planting information to help you give your new tree its best start!

Mark your calendar
SPRING 2025....TBA

ReLeaf is proud to be part of Winnipeg's Million Tree Challenge
The One Million Tree Challenge calls on Winnipeggers to help expand our urban tree canopy. Every tree purchased from ReLeaf is included in the count towards one million trees.
Have questions about ReLeaf?
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions

We Love Our Volunteers
ReLeaf would not be possible without our volunteers who donate their time and hard work to helping Trees Winnipeg on ReLeaf distribution day